Kerry berat with german politicians about climate rage – clear appeal
The US climate protection officer john kerry has called for coarse global efforts in the fight against climate change during his visit to germany. Erndermeat, which in the worst case at four degrees celsius go out until the end of the century, be one "gigantic challenge", kerry explained at a press conference on tuesday afternoon in berlin.
Dish the disaster
The US climate offer was traveling to germany on monday to exchange ideas with several german politicians and politicians on international climate protection policy. In addition to federal minister heiko maas (SPD) kerry also met federal minister of economics peter altmaier (CDU), federal finance minister olaf scholz (SPD) and several politicians of opposition. Kerry stressed that the task of global climate protection is only solved if all states, including the coarse iers of greenhouse gas emissions, moved to a strand. 45 percent of states have not been doing so far, explained kerry. If the objectives set to the states in 2015 with the paris climate protection agreement were not consistently pursued, the world to a catastrophe, so the appeal of the 77-year-old.
The world climate conference COP26 in november in glasgow is the "last, best hope", to return to the right path. This is also afraid of great efforts in the support of armer states, stressed kerry.
The industrialists had promised in copenhagen in 2009 to mobilize $ 100 billion from public and private sources for climate protection in development policies by 2020 years. The US has now worked with other states in the coming months to mobilize funds to fulfill these commitments, kerry said. Germany goes ahead here with good example.
Lost a lot of time
The US had in the term of office of the former US president donald trump, the "ignored the council of science" have, lost a lot of time, said kerry. Trump initiated the united states resigned in 2020 from the paris climate protection agreement.
As one of the first official acts, the reigning US prasident joe biden had returned to the agreement at the beginning of the year. It commits the international community to the global allegiance "clearly" two degrees celsius to hold compared to the pre-industrial age.
Kerry stressed that himself "1.9 degrees or 1.8 degrees" the rescue of the planet did not live up to. It is about taking more ambitious. The global climate IPCC also made it clear in 2018 that until 2030 significant progress has been made to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. The US had set a new national climate protection objective a few weeks ago and promised to halve the greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 at least.
About the new german air conditioning law and the speed of his development looked at kerry "very impressive". The new goals that have set germany, for example, the goal of greenhouse gas neutritat until 2045, became one "gross effort" refirmen, kerry said.
International cooperation
From the political berlin, positive signals for exchange with the US climate approach were reported on tuesday. Several politicians re-cheered the US course in the sense of more climate protection on a global scale. Federal minister of economics peter altmaier (CDU) released the new US emissions objective by 2030 and was a strong bilateral cooperation in energy transition and climate policy, especially in the decarbonization of industry.
Also a new transatlantic climate and energy alliance between the european union and the USA is important, emphasized altmaier. Together, the states "develop solutions that serve both climate protection and secure jobs and prosperity", said altmaier on tuesday.
However, federal finance minister olaf scholz presented a cornerstone paper in which the SPD chancellor’s candidate is the idea of a "international climate clubs" stimulating. In it, those states should settle together who wanted to make global climate protection. Also, the role of the united states raised scholz, who made kerry his ideas on lunch, especially: "with the juvenile of the united states in the paris agreement and the ambitious agenda of prasident biden, there is a new potential window to deepen international cooperation in climate policy", write scholz in the cornerstone paper signed by him.
Wider exchange
Kerry also met in the afternoon with green chancellor candidate annalena baerbock and FDP boss christian lindner. Previously, there had been a number of other talks on monday, including with federal president frank-walter steinmeier, federal environment minister svenja schulze (SPD) and CDU boss armin laschet.
John kerry will also participate in the talks of the G7 environment minister at british presidency this week. The virtual conference is scheduled for thursday and friday. The german visit of the US climate offer ends this wednesday.