Tesla may continue in grunheide – court has urgent application
The nature conservation association and the grune liga brandenburg are repeated with an urgent application against premature approval in the construction of the factory of the US electric carconzer tesla in grunheide at berlin again. The oberanverwaltungsgericht berlin-brandenburg pointed to today’s wednesday complaint of the environmental association against a decision of the administrative court frankfurt (oder) of june (OVG 11 S 78/21). Thus, tesla can test and use and use aggregates in the giverie, the paint shop and in the bodywork and build tanks for winding and testing purposes.
The OVG established the decision of the administrative court, which had rejected the urgent application against the early years. The environmental associations had not asserted that because of the then possible tests with non-adequately considered pilgrimage or other impregnations of the environment must be expected. The urgent application is also inadequate because the association had not put forward that they were for the protection of nature and the environment for the decision in their area of responsibility – the protection of nature and the environment -. Tesla is missing for the construction of the factory the final environmental approval permit. The company therefore builds on several premature beds.