Flua-avice: selective snapped
If narrow motive details are displayed as a sharp, for example a pixel wide lines, one can be satisfied with the sharp. The narrow light edge around the dark pole in the 8-fold enlargement shows that the camera has already shoved internally here
Jpeg photos recorded by a good digital camera with medium apertures are already internally "advised", here is hardly something to improve. For unparalle pictures from a professional camera, for example in RAW format, this does not apply; even if photos are enlarged by hinging pixels (interpolation), rewrapped.
In addition, in addition to the objective sharp also a subjective "tricky" sharp. For the latter, the overholding of the edge contrast plays a role. A less sharp picture with thickened edge contrasts can therefore be perceived by the eye as a sharp one as a sharp picture with unpleasant contrasts.
For the vault and possibly overhalation of the edge contrast, the blurred mask filter (USM) provides, as is always present in better image processing programs. The name implies that in him already a mask is: a blurred (soft-drawn) copy of the sharp picture. It is possible to replicate the functioning of the USM filter with such a blurring mask and two-time application of the image calculation dialog, but this is too complicated for the day-to-day work. We therefore want to use the filter as it is – and his inadmissibility (see "sharpening filter" box) by means of a mask affiliated by AUBEN.
The goal is to concentrate the effect of the pracisse filter on the image pixels to be sharpened, but to shield them from other pixels. For this purpose, we need a contour mask that releases the image contours to be sharp, but cover the rest of the image. The individual steps will be explained again following the image editing program paint shop pro. On gimp and photoshop we go on if special features occur. At reconstruction levels you have to do without general, because unfortunately, there is no one of the programs "sharp".
First, the sharp image plane must be duplicated. Then the starting picture for the contour mask is searched, it should be possible noise and contrasting. The fastest, but not the best solution goods, to take the grayscale version of the image to be sharp: paint shop pro fools the mask automatically with this version, if you long new mask level image and the option brightness of the source select. Instead, prefers if a single color channel is better suited (the grunkanal is often well suited). In gimp and photoshop you can look into the channel palette, in paint shop pro separates this, because even in the latest version there is no channel palette. As an alternative remains, by image canal division separation to produce the three color expansion as a frame.
This close-up was allowed to be reworked only in the foreground areas, and it was necessary to avoid any overshoot. This only succeeds with a manually reworked contour mask. The two excerpts the eye before and after the ingenuation.
Although GIMP has a channel palette, but prepares another problem: the channels can not be cut out or copied. The conversion into a level mask is still quite simple: right-click in the channel palette to the miniature of the championed channel, options from the menu "selection from channel", switch to the level pallet, click again with right mouse button on the layer miniature, add options "add layer mask" and in the dialog "selection" dialog.
In paint shop pro you set level-new mask level masked (or faster with shift + Y) a new mask level, select this (ctrl + A) and copy with edit instruct a selection (ctrl + shift + L) the image selected for the mask. Call up the curve dialog and control the contrast of the mask by means of a pronounced S curve, so that the contour filters used below (find effect edge effects alaps) has something easier. In photoshop you will find the corresponding find filter under filter stilization filter contours, use in gimp find filter edges and as algorithm "SOBEL".
GIMP offers pleasantly rough miniatures in the channel palette (in the pallet options the coarse on "gigantic"), which facilitates the selection of a suitable channel.
Now invert the contour image (shift + K), open the "curves" or "levels" dialog and overstart the contrast again. The not to sharp areas should be uniformly black, the contours possible. But make sure that the contours will not be too wide and merge together. As the last step, the contours are equalized with the geubschen and a low radius (1 to 3 pixels) and widened something. Since it darkens this, another contrast station follows. You can repeat this several times. In photoshop is the scattering of the contours of the filter sound separation edge control (under filter art filter to find) well suited.