Age report digitization: more seniors on the net

Age report Digitization: More seniors on the net

Federal family minister franziska giffey has submitted to the federal cabinet on wednesday the eighth old age report. Among ages, a significantly large share of the participation and the possibilities of digital technologies is excluded than in other age groups, the expert commission is guards in her report. "Digitization also has a huge potential for old people, which we have to swell much stronger", said giffey.

From 75 offline

The ten-headed commission under the direction of heidelberg gerontologist andreas kruse notes that people from mid-70 are much rare online than young women. In the retirement phase, the quota with access to the internet with now over 80 percent is still significantly high. However, differences also showed. Seniors with low and medium education levels used significantly rarely or less competently as such with high school or university degree. So that this becomes better, at first, the foundations had to be created, complaining the expertise the persistent, occupied in statistics again and again "digital division".

This form of digital divide is not tolerable in the commission’s view. "All too often, alter people are presented as those who can not keep up with technical developments that refuse technical innovations and react only passively and subsequently to such developments", write the researchers. By contrast, a mission statement was chosen, with the seniors "in principle, they are able to operate in the digital world competent and self-determined". Who does not acquire the necessary digital skills, "should the right support and advice get". All had to be captured, "to act souveran in the digital world".

Digital provision

Inequalities when accessing digital technologies, according to the report, require flat-placed, accurate and quality-ared offers. The environment of old man games a crucial role. In addition to caregivers in the private and family area, this is mainly demanded in social professions, health care, technology, crafts and housing management. The importance of digitization for the life of seniors must be considered stronger in the training orders.

Above all, the existence of the existence must also be digitally required, demand the scientists. With increasing age, everyday things were difficult. Technical assistance systems or smart home technologies are able to remedy. Electronic patient records, online contact, virtual visits or purchasing vias network are just a few examples. But the digital infrastructure must be improved for that. In addition, according to the commission of grid expansion, especially in rural areas as well "the free provision of internet access in public space". Minister giffey moving that "do not plow all stationar care facilities wi-fi" for their residents offered.

Ethical ies

The experts also throw ethical questions. You see all the actors involved, in the development and use of digital technologies to exhibit opportunities and risks. This must happen before applying applications, such as artificial intelligence or assistance robots "be used in life and long life". The experts recommend the federal government to establish a permanent accompanying research and control with a view to digitization and life in old age.

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