Corona conspiracy theories: no case for catching protection

Corona conspiracy theories: no case for catching protection

At the right and left emergencies of the corona demonstration events and the associated debate on the internet, the federal office for future protection (BFV) currently no new penalization can make up. You have "infinite crisp in ideology and conspiracy theory", BFV-prasident thomas haldenwang explained in the ordinary public statements of the bosses of german intelligence services in the parliamentary control panel (PKGGR) of the bundestag on monday. But that is "no case for catching protection".

Everyone has the right to believe, "that an aluminum helmet may protect covid 19 infections", constant haldenwang. The UNBER narratives were served in the network. From the right one is to horen that the crisis by immigration of suburban successes and migrants did not held to the corona regulations. Also the judian world vortex come to the language. The left complaint meanwhile that the state with repression measures are overdrawn. A potential third, difficult capable movement has so far "not such a huge dimension".

State disinformation

Other landers also tried, in times of pandemic "to operate their disinformation", the lawyer. Especially in the initial phase it has activities of russian media like russia today or sputnik given the government action criticized for demonstrations and afterwards "deleted reduced" had. But this was eased in the further course and is currently no longer detectable. Russia wool generally "destabilizing". Over detail he can not speak at public session.

For madchen: “girly robot challenge” started by roberta and maker faire

For Madchen:'girly robot challenge' von roberta und maker faire gestartet'girly robot challenge' von roberta und maker faire gestartet

The roberta challenge is a robotic competition of and for schuler, who has been organized for nine years. The upcoming girly robot challenge online event will be digitally held digitally this year – so participants can comfortably participate from home, no matter which region they come. By participating, the girls learn in workshops to program digital robots in a graphical programming language. The award ceremony takes place on the digital bean of the maker fair hanover.

For Madchen:'girly robot challenge' von roberta und maker faire gestartet'girly robot challenge' von roberta und maker faire gestartet

The award ceremony takes place at the digital maker fair.

For the hackathon no prior knowledge is necessary and participation is free. To work, the programming platform becomes open roberta lab used by the fraunhofer IAIS. In their development, special value was placed on privacy. Because the event is held digitally, a computer with a stable internet connection with micro and camera is necessary. For communication and the digital meeting, the platform becomes gather utilized.

Leipzig corona riot

Leipzig corona riot

"Lateral thinkers" celebrate withdrawal of the police. Screenshot from elmsfeuer video

It is not only right-wing extremists who are active in the gross german delusional movement that began on 7. November marched in leipzig and rioted. A critical interjection

Leipzig, on the evening of 7. November: right-wing extremists march and riot on the leipziger ring – and once again there is talk of the "loss of control" the police, who are suddenly withdrawing from the violent corona demonstrators, after they – once again – marched with far too little force.

Age report digitization: more seniors on the net

Age report Digitization: More seniors on the net

Federal family minister franziska giffey has submitted to the federal cabinet on wednesday the eighth old age report. Among ages, a significantly large share of the participation and the possibilities of digital technologies is excluded than in other age groups, the expert commission is guards in her report. "Digitization also has a huge potential for old people, which we have to swell much stronger", said giffey.

From 75 offline

The ten-headed commission under the direction of heidelberg gerontologist andreas kruse notes that people from mid-70 are much rare online than young women. In the retirement phase, the quota with access to the internet with now over 80 percent is still significantly high. However, differences also showed. Seniors with low and medium education levels used significantly rarely or less competently as such with high school or university degree. So that this becomes better, at first, the foundations had to be created, complaining the expertise the persistent, occupied in statistics again and again "digital division".

This form of digital divide is not tolerable in the commission’s view. "All too often, alter people are presented as those who can not keep up with technical developments that refuse technical innovations and react only passively and subsequently to such developments", write the researchers. By contrast, a mission statement was chosen, with the seniors "in principle, they are able to operate in the digital world competent and self-determined". Who does not acquire the necessary digital skills, "should the right support and advice get". All had to be captured, "to act souveran in the digital world".

“I have to ask my friends first”

Are cell phones and the internet preventing cord-cutting??

Social networks make people more independent, but also more dependent. The sociologist sherry turkle advocates the latter theory: if you can always ask your friends for advice in a few seconds by phone or internet, you will not become self-reliant, especially in the critical phase of the transition from childhood to adolescence.

Sociologist sherry turkle, who once saw very rough opportunities for self-development on the internet, was interviewed in the current new scientist, which has social networking – whether via cell phone or the internet – as its leading theme. Turkle is obviously very critical of the development of social telecommunications in the last 10 years; in 1996 she was far more optimistic (is the internet male, female or both?)?), in her book "life on the net" (original title "life on the screen"), for example, she classified muds as therapeutically useful. Today, on the other hand, they consider too rough networking to be harmful.

Robots as pets for old people

Outsourcing of attention to technology

It is a misery. The further we advance in the information society and the higher the material and medical standards in a society, the more old people there are in proportion to the total population of a country. Moreover, they are getting older and older. But this also means that there are fewer and fewer young people to provide financial, medical and social care for the elderly, while the services provided to the elderly are becoming more expensive. Who can afford it, buys the appropriate services, who has little money and no descendants, mub in old age in scarcity live and comes at best, if he does not make it alone any longer, in a retirement home.

Anyone who takes to heart a study published recently, which found that women who either had no children or had few children late in life live the longest, will probably be confronted with the possibly no longer so gentle world of the elderly as an old and ailing single person.

German government wants to continue to avoid the sensitive issue of targeted killing “targeted killing” circumnavigate

Even after the answer of the ministry of defense to the question of an SPD member of parliament, much remains vague and the justification for the claimed legitimacy is missing

At the beginning of august, after it became known that the bundeswehr was cooperating with U.S. Task force 373, federal minister westerwelle declared that targeted killings, i.E., the killing of suspected extremists outside of combat, were perfectly legal. The german armed forces have also declared that targeted killings are legal under international law, and that they have been used by isaf troops in afghanistan and the "nato rules and regulations" provided. However, it was explained that they only cooperate in drawing up lists of suspected extremists, but the armed forces, along with special forces, follow a self-imposed rule and only seize suspects d. H. Leave the killing or elimination to U.S. Forces or those of other states (federal government remains vague on targeted killings).

But then isaf spokesman and german brigadier general josef dieter blotz went a step further and explained that it is also part of the tasks of the special forces command KSK to hunt down taliban in a targeted manner and to "" (sonderkommando KSK is engaged in targeted killings in afghanistan).

Programming language: julia 1.6 is an lts version and practiced parallel

Programming language: Julia 1.6 is an LTS version and practiced parallel

The programming language julia is in version 1.6 released. The current release should receive long-term support (LTS), and the developer team has undergone the environment for meticulous tests. A number of new features is on board, as a highlight, the parallel compilation, eliminating unnecessary recompilation and the reduction of compiler latencies, especially through new tools for compiler introspection and types inference.

Since the exports of all instructions of a module may include a lot of code, julia’s standard practiced caches produces the modules to reduce the compilation time. The compilation package in the current release should further accelerate this process by parallelizing. According to the publishers, the particularly in complex mathematical calculations lead to significantly faster charging times.

Make more selective

Julia is known for the expandability of new methods and predefined functions, which sometimes requires recompilation: obsolete code is marked as disabled, and the entire program code is then again processed with the extended settings. For alteren versions of the programming language, this has led to delays, since sometimes a tenth of the code in the first step was to be distinguished as undulptile. Version 1.6, according to envision, has a "elegant" scheme for disengaging old code and should complete the process faster.

New tv + series: apple sends spies in iran

New TV + series: Apple sends spies in Iran

A young woman with black headscarf and nose bandage is in the control center of an iranian electricity work. In a hurry, it connects to your laptop with the control system. Tamar rabinian (played by NIV sultan) is israeli mossad agent and hacker. Again and again she looks nervous about her shoulder. Your destination: the iranian air defense is paralyzing that israeli fighting jets can bomb the nuclear land of the enemy country. Action and current policy are in the israeli streaming series "tehran" – from the end of september at apple TV + also to see in germany (subscription: 5 euros a month) – closely linked.

Rabinian gets help from the iranian hacker "sick boy", who fights against the system in their own country, but not knows their true identity. But her mission is in danger when her is a commander of the iranian revolutionary food. He is tarred by the iranian-american actor shaun toub, already in the US series "homeland" an iranian boseweight played.

On the adventurous escape, the young woman, born in tehran, raised but grew up in israel, also to her cultural and family roots. There are also romantic involvements with the friendly hacker she met in the darknet.

Daimler truck and volvo demand political support for hydrogen trucks

Daimler Truck and Volvo demand political support for hydrogen trucks

Hydrogen-powered E-trucks are the key to CO2-neutral traffic management, says martin daum, CEO of daimler truck AG. Together with volvo, 2025 in europe, he liked the series production of fuel cells. What is missing are the hydrogen petrol stations for these trucks. At least 300 should be 2025 in europe, about 1.000 spad 2030, demand daum and volvo boss martin lundstedt.

You are standing in front of a hen egg problem: without fuel cell trucks, the hydrogen petrol stations have no sense. Without hydrogen supply, the fuel cell trucks have no dew. Now the two corporations have a well-known investment in view: at an unexplained location in europe, they might build a rough fuel cell factory whose series production should start at 2025. The hope behind it is that the europe’s politician is convinced of investing in a hydrogen tanket network.

In addition, the truck manufacturers wanted "policy framework", demand and affordability should guarantee CO2 neutral truck. To german: subsidies because the trucks will be significantly more expensive at the beginning, and still higher taxes on producing fuels. And: "emissions trading could be another option", can be found in the common press release.